Friday, December 10, 2010

Met your mate?

One of my friends, Kunal Gupta, recently wrote a note on Facebook. It suggested, all actions of a person are a desire for glory.

I completely agree.

I just want to add another dimension to it. All actions of a person are linked with glory. All glory is linked with finding the best mate.

Animals and all other beings on this planet act on the motivation that the opposite sex would long for them and would desire them as a mate. By Darwin's theory, they evolve, and the fittest survive. They fight to prove themselves the best amongst the clan, because the best gets the privilege to chose, or in some species, the best gets it all.

Likewise do humans. All their actions are aimed at impressing the cult of the opposite sex that they might be interested in. When a person paints, it is because she/he wants to get appreciated and noticed. The want to be seen on television, or performing on stage are similar examples. Adventure sports are the want to prove to the opposite sex that you are tough and worthy. A business venture, or earning money, are signs that you can provide a good future. The desire to look beautiful, needs no explanation.

Although some people might argue that they paint for their own satisfaction, or a classical performance should not be linked to something as inauspicious as sex, but a word of caution: I am not talking about sex here. I am talking about finding a mate and carrying forward the legacy, that is YOU.

If you are overtly religious, it is simply because you want to find a similar religious mate. If you play sports, you want to win. You want to win because you want glory, you want glory ... because, you want to find a good mate. If you want good education, and want to get into a good college, it is so that you earn big bucks and later find a good mate.

This is not a declaration. The idea got planted in my head a long time ago, a documentary. I am not saying that all of us would agree on it, but I am certainly saying that none of us would deny it completely, neither would anyone repudiate the very existence of it. This could be an on going debate. Just an attempt to add another dimension to your thought process.


Taz said...

Well My apologies But i dont completely agree with you ... As u said its about legacy but first u ought to create one right and for that u need not be thinking about a mate rather concentrating on your goals... But yeah in certain cases its definitely about impressing the opposite sex ... Like the brutal Honesty here :)
Also i got an honest answer Y do gals want to luk beautiful all the time :P

MeTeM said...

are you saying that all desire ends after finding the best mate.

Rockstar said...

hmm.........Agree wid u Ankita........
Watever b the thing ,the case,the acts we perform......everything we do has something to do wid dat........the desire to impress the opposite sex!!
Well i 'll say ... thr's always a sexual part in all the relationships we've!!
I liked the part that u r being honest in dis regard which i general the gals aren't atleast in public !! :)

anuprakash said...

Nice thought!Decently written, just that the disclaimer at the end was unwarranted ;)

Every action of every human being/animal can be directly or indirectly linked to the various basic necessities of life - Survival. Survival instinct - be it for food or water, or shelter or clothing - drives many an action. However, the drive for excellence/glory is probably to impress and attract the opposite sex.

Deepak Vijayvergiy said...

I somehow landed up here, and got to read the blog, nicely written. We agree or not, but the subconscious mind tends to think the same what is written in the post.

Aasang Dixit said...

I'm impressed ! :P

Harsh Bhavsar said...

Fyi, biologically, humans aren't supposed to be with the same mate.

Dumbledore said...

To some extent and often in the cases of the aam aadmi, yes..
But what about people like Lata Mangeskar? Do you think she sung songs to attract men ?
Does Sachin Tendulkar works hard on his batting skills for wooing the women?
Did Abdul Kalam build rockets to impress women?
Did Mother Teresa care for the destitute to find a good mate ?
The answer to these would be a strict NO. We often to do things that we plainly 'love' to do. Not for the opposite sex. Maybe for glory, for fame. But not necessarily to attract the opp sex..